Upon entry:
Active screening is required upon entry to the facility. Everyone must complete the online screening tool and present the result to facility staff - LINK TO SCREENING;
Stay home if you are feeling unwell or if anyone in their household is experiencing symptoms of Covid-19;
Sanitize your hands upon entry;
Wear a mask or face covering;
Provide Proof of Vaccination (2 doses, plus 14 days) and ID is required for all customers age 12 and over. Reminder: We can no longer accept the original Proof of Vaccination receipts. You must present a QR Code for scanning. If you have previously been verified, you must present your QR Code for re-verification.
Weight Room:
The Weight Room and Cardio Space has a capacity of 12 people;
2 Metres physical distancing is required between customers not from the same household;
Weight room users are permitted to access the change rooms, but are encouraged to come dressed in their gym clothes;
Weight Room users must check-in at the Desk and present their screening;
Users must wear a mask/face-covering upon entry and exit of the facility, in the lobby, and weight room, except for during active exercise;
The Weight Room will not close for cleaning;
Drink fountains will remain closed and
Weight room users must disinfect the equipment immediately after use.
The capacity for Fitness Classes is 10 people;
2 metres physical distancing is required and each customer will be provided with their own "square";
Masks/face coverings must be worn at all times, except when actively exercising;
No mats will be loaned out; and
Instructors are responsible for cleaning all equipment after use.
Swimming Pool:
The capacity for the Swimming Pool is 30 people (5 swimmers for lengths);
Wear a mask/face-covering upon entry and exit of the facility, in the lobby, the change rooms, and onto the pool deck, except for during swimming;
Change rooms will be open for Pool Users with a maximum capacity of 6 people;
2 metres physical distance is required between those not from the same household, including during swimming, while on deck, and in the change rooms;
The sauna will remain closed.
These restrictions are in place until, at least, February 21st.